We are a church that feels like family, with a long history behind us. Join us for worship, and be a part of creating community that honors Jesus.






9am Worship Watch LIVE! | 10:30 Sunday School

Currently streaming live from the Swamp Christian Fellowship Facebook Page each Sunday at 9am.

Our service is blend of contemporary and traditional — relatively informal, yet always seeking to honor Christ. Please come as you are; no fancy clothes needed.

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Current Teachings

Use the Expand Screen button and the Play button on the bottom corners of these collections of videos. Each collection is arranged so that the most current video appears first. To select older videos in the collection, toggle through using the Next and Previous buttons displayed on each collection, or use the Down arrow to view a list of videos in the collection.


Meet the Pastor

Pastor Craig Frazier was called by Swamp to be its pastor in 2017.

When Pastor Craig is not serving at Swamp he enjoys being with his family, smoking meats, working with his hands, being outside, and serving as a Denver volunteer fire fighter.

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Visit Us

We would love to have you worship with us on Sunday mornings or join us at our next event.



390 Swamp Church Road Reinholds, PA 17569